SITRASB S.p.A (Società Italiana Traforo del Gran San Bernardo) is the concessionaire for 50% of the tunnel that connects Italy and Switzerland, in addition to the access motorway. Regione Autonoma Valle d’Aosta holds 63.5% SITRASB S.p.A. shares while SAV S.p.A. (Societa Italiana Autostrade) holds the remaining 36.5%. In the aim of ensuring that the company’s internal organisational system complies with Decree Law 231/2001, SITRASB S.p.A. has laid down in writing the rules and principles of correct conduct on which relations between the company and its staff, as well as third parties, are founded. These reflect the company’s business ethics as a whole. The aforementioned rules are contained in the Code of Ethical Conduct document downloadable below. The company not only calls on all those working for or working with SITRASB S.p.A. to respect, share and propagate these values but expects each individual to abide by these rules. Failing to do so will result in disciplinary and regulatory action to be taken.
TGSB SA, the partner operating on the Swiss side, holds equal responsibility.
The Italo-Swiss company SISEX SA, owned in equal parts by the two concessionary companies is responsible for the division of revenue and promotional activities.
Located in a favourable geographic position between the Aosta Valley and the Canton of Valais, the Great St Bernard Tunnel is a convenient and indispensable link between the north and south of Europe.
SITRASB S.p.A. is an AISCAT partner.
SITRASB S.p.A. VAT no. 00470330077 Registered address: Sitrasb S.p.A. – Via Chambery,51 – 11100 Aosta
Aosta Register of Companies entry no. 00508120011 – REA no. 43234 Capital stock: 11 million euro